Monday, April 19, 2010

Jack's Words

With his older brothers stealing the blog, I only felt it fair to post something on Jack. After being home for just over a month, we are beginning to enjoy seeing the real Jack. Here's a list of the words we have heard him say consistantly and in the order he started saying them. Some are still Chinese, but we are able to understand.

English - Jack's way of saying it.
car - first was she swah now ca, please - ching, thanks - she she, uh-oh - uh-oh, bye-bye - bah bye, Dad - ba ba, Mom - ma ma, Rob - Ro, Charlie - Mu ya (Don't know why, but is very consistent), up - bu bu, no - first was boo now no!no!no!no!, where'd it go? - go?, dog - do, duck - quack quack, yes - yah, potty - po dah, truck - tru, stop - sto

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